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Item Type: model

Recommend Age: 12+y

Origin: Mainland China

Condition: In-Stock Items

Completion Degree: Finished Goods

Material: Arylic

  • EASILY DISTINGUISH & TRACK MINIATURES: Numbered Monster Rings are a simple but effective way of eliminating the confusion and making your battlefield conditions not only easier to manage but helping both players and dungeon master's alike to avoid troublesomely "which is which" moments that break your immersion.

  • MAKE BOOKKEEPING FASTER: If some targets already have Numbered Creature Rings, then DM asks the players to read the numbers of the figures in their area of effect. On DM's sheet, just making tick marks by the targets, roll saves, and total damage. So DM can do bookkeeping faster without looking up.

  • SPEED COMMUNICATION: In the typical fight, players keep referring to monsters as "this one" and "that one". Then DM looks up from his notes and asks “which one?” and the pointing resumes. Repeat once per turn. With Numbered Bases will speed communication and make combat encounters running faster.

  • SOLUTION FOR QUICK ENEMIES: Number Tokens are an incredibly useful solution for those times when you need some quick enemies, but don't have the right miniatures (or enough miniatures). Instead of using extra dice or random bottle caps, you should use these numbered tokens to aid in improving your game!

  • GREAT FOR TABLETOP RPG AND DM: These condition rings designed for a wide variety of tabletop roleplaying games such as Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Hackmaster, Savage Worlds, and other D20 game systems. And make a great gift for your dungeon master. Will make your game more vibrant!

With CZYY D&D Numbered Markers, combat is fluid, management is easy, and confusion is a thing of the past. They fit miniatures easily, make running battles a breeze, and can last for years. Seriously, no more... "Wait, is that the orc who took 15 damage, or the one who's stunned?"

Numbered Creature Rings are acrylic rings printed with numbers, each ring numbered between 1 and 30. They're used for numbering your bad guys and monsters so you always know which minis are which (helpful in tracking hit points, knowing which minis can use certain abilities, etc.). For example, your big boss could be number 1, the three warlords could be numbers 2-5, the nine grunts could be numbers 6-13, etc. This is especially useful if your minis all look similar, or if you have a lot of them.

Number your monsters to stop wasting time finding them during combat encounters!

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