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Famed for his wisdom, King Solomon is one of the most beloved Kings of all time. You first hear of him calling for his mighty sword in the judgement of the two women and the baby. One day two women came before the King. They carried with them a little baby, which was set down on the floor, at the foot of Solomon’s throne. They both claimed to be the mother of the child. After much crying and squabbling between the two women, King Solomon raised his hand for silence. “One of you says ‘my child lives and yours is dead ’, and the other says ‘your child is dead and my child lives’: there is a simple way to resolve the matter. Bring me a sword.” He said, “cut the child in two, and give half to one mother, and half to the other.” The first woman turned pale. “O my lord,” she said in a faltering voice. “Pray, give her the child. I beg you, do not kill it. ”But the other woman’s face remained hard. “Let it be neither mine nor yours,” she said, “divide it as the King has ordained.” Then Solomon arose, and pointed to the first woman. “The child belongs to her,” he said. “Give her the child, and do not kill it. She is its mother.” Word of this judgement spread throughout Israel, and people marveled at the wisdom of the King. This King Solomon Foam Sword of Wisdom is made completely out of strong polyurethane foam with a 10 mm inner core making it great for costumes and light sword play. The guard features depictions of the Ark of the Covenant and the pommel has the Star of David on both sides. Painted to perfection this piece impeccable detailing this is a piece to treasure.



Overall Length: 41.75 Inches
Overall Width: 8.75 Inches
Handle: Length: 7.75 Inches; Thickness: 1.50 Inches
Blade: Length: 34 Inches; Thickness: .50 Inches
Material: Polyurethane Foam with 10mm Inner Core
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